Monday, August 5, 2013

What Millennials Really Want

      There's been a lot of chatter lately about my generation. 1 out of 3 of us who are over 25 are still living with our parents. Over 50% who have a college education can't find work in our fields of study. We apparently have a strong distaste for convention, but a strong desire to be individualistic. We are Millennials, what will likely be remembered through history as the Forgotten Generation. So, at the risk of painting with a really broad brush, what do Millennials really want? Crack this code and you might be the next Steve Jobs.

-        Unlimited entertainment which is highly personalized (thorough, usually free access to all the songs/movies/programs/books which the individual desires)

-        Educational advancement primarily for the sake of being educated, frequently with no vocation/career-oriented goal in mind. Best if the cost of education is able to be indefinitely deferred or eliminated

-        To be religious, but not preachy

-        Active social justice involvement which costs little besides a small financial burden, typically with an immediate benefit connected to the act of altruism (Things like wine tasting for refugees or TOMS or donating $10 to the Red Cross via text during a crisis concert)

-        Instantaneous communication with others in an easily manipulated virtual world

-        To think church attendance could be beneficial, but not if the church makes them uncomfortable through exclusivistic doctrine, old fashioned biblical interpretation, time requirements, social commitments, or the threat that some kind of lifestyle change might be requested 

-        To be missionaries of non-judgmentalism to those they judge to be too judgmental

-        Forgiveness without change, license which presents itself as love, and the right to blame others without the balance of potential culpability

-        A furnished room at mom and dad’s house, just in case things don’t go according to the plans they haven’t made

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