Monday, January 24, 2011

My, how dreams have changed!

On Saturday the president issued a statement reaffirming his personal commitment to ensuring abortion rights. The last line reads as follows:

I hope that we will recommit ourselves more broadly to ensuring that our daughters have the same rights, the same freedoms, and the same opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams.

What an antiquated notion! That a fetus stands in the way of a woman being able to fulfill her dreams is the same tired, selfish claptrap which was the battle cry of the liberal feminist of the Baby Boom era. That a sitting president would echo that battle cry reveals an awful lot about the man and his principles.

Sadly, both sides of the debate have largely packaged this issue so cleverly for so long that now far too many see abortion as nothing more than a political issue among so many others. Case in point: last week was the Martin Luther King holiday. What did we hear from the traditional black leaders on this day? Most significantly, anger over students making up missed classes on the holiday due to weather postponements. The week prior, a NYC Public Health report was released which found that 60% of pregnant African American women in New York City had undergone an abortion in 2009. That is eye-popping stuff; that if you're a black fetus in NYC, you only have a 2 in 5 chance of making it to your birthday. Nationally, black women, who make up about 7% of the population, account for nearly 40% of legalized abortions. (The total national average for aborted pregnancies in still over 20% for all races.)

What we're seeing in NYC and throughout the nation is Racial Genocide 101, and what do we hear from black leaders on the subject on the day when we ironically honor a man who most famously conveyed the dreams he had for his children? Nothing. Not a peep. Other than "Jane Roe" herself, Jesse Jackson is probably the most famous flip-flopper on abortion in our nation's history. Roe became convinced of her error in desiring to abort her unborn child; Jackson, meanwhile went from an eloquent defender of the right to life to an ultra politically-motivated man on the wrong side of the aisle to be both pro-life and politically successful. He chose to enmesh himself in the latter, and now he has no moral foundation to even stand upon when speaking about a subject such as the out-of-control abortion rates among minorities in this nation. So instead he talks about kids making up snow days (which, incidentally, he is right about).

It is a shame of the highest proportions. Even conservative statistics concerning legalized abortions in the nation since 1973 show that this national right has now claimed more lives than some of the most liberal estimates of the lives senselessly claimed under the leaderships of people like Mao and Stalin. And where's our president on this? Unequivocally connecting the termination of an unborn child to a woman's "dreams". What a sad departure this type of dream is from the famous dream of the man honored last Monday.

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