Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A New Phase of Life and Ministry

Since I surrendered (and that is the appropriate term) to God's call to ministry, I have gone through periods where doubts have sprung up: Is this really the right seminary? How tough will it be to find a ministry position after graduation? Will I be able to raise a family on a pastor's salary? Am I cut out for all the tasks a pastor faces? On and on.

Now there was a time when I would've scoffed at Christians who allowed self-doubt to creep into their minds by thinking something such as, "Obviously, he or she didn't take Philippians 4 into account!" The experiences of the past few years of ministry and education have knocked me down from my self-erected pedestal of what I call 'Believer's Snobbery' as the Lord has worked on me by knocking me down to size and simply saying, over and over again, "Do you trust me?"

Now this question hasn't manifested itself as of yet in some kind of call to Jesus-in-the-water, Peter-in-the-boat type of faith, but it has had its difficult moments. This collective expreience has sharpened my own pastoral sensitivities to those who face periods (for some, eras) of doubt; above all, however, it has taught me to rely, rely, rely on the Lord.

Anyway, the Lord has recently merged the combined life of my wife and me with a wonderful church not too far south of Huntsville, Ala. There are some questions which remain, but the overarching doubt of "Will the Lord really provide for us?" has been answered in a way which can leave no doubt, like a 550 ft. homerun or something.

Now there is still a great amount of growing to go, and I still worry about the mistakes I will undoubtedly make and how they might impact the congregation. Ultimately, though, I have learned through it all that my primary concern must not be about how the Lord will provide for His own, but rather how I can better grow in Him and serve His people. And so I enter this new phase of life and ministry recognizing that we serve an amazing Lord and Savior who unquestionably provides for His own in His own way and time. Praise the Lord!

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