Monday, June 7, 2010

What a Difference Sixty-Six Years Make

Just when you thought that the envelope can't possibly get pushed any further...

For all the low, crude, and downright ugly moments in the still-banal history of basic cable, June 6, 2010, stands out as something least until the next awards show on MTV. Although relatively few Americans actually watched the program last night, once again this year's MTV Movie Awards has the internet abuzz with discussions about where - if anywhere - the line should be drawn between common decency and the freedom to do or say whatever one pleases on a channel which unashamedly caters to pre-teens, teenagers, and the odd young adult. While MTV (that network which stopped living up to its acronym about fifteen years ago) will never be confused with family values, the remarkable amount of obscenity on last evening's program shows an absolute contempt for anything remotely pure or valued. And they will find new - check that; there's nothing new under the sun when it comes to sin - ways to push the envelope even further in the future.

As hard as it is for some of my generation to believe, our nation - our world - hasn't always had to deal with this kind of thing. It occurred to me yesterday morning that this very same day was the 66th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of the Normandy region of France. I can't think of two more dramatically opposed pictures than when comparing the biggest event of June 6, 1944, to the most talked-about event of June 6, 2010. What a difference 66 years make.

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